Monday, June 9, 2008

This is an effort!

I know I said I wanted to take time out each week, but does it have to start THIS one??? Yes, craziness ensues! Max is finally over his bug, Sam caught one, and is over his as well. We had fun at Aikido, and I got to try out my new lens for the very first time... Check out Max's Aikido class!

We spent a marathon day Saturday at the ballpark, Max had a game, I shot the championship game at Big Sky park between the Marlins and Pirates, then we enjoyed the Bend South Little League end of season BBQ. It simply wore me out (including about 6 trips to the 'loo with Sam, which was a bit of a hike away), and we spend the evening sacked out in front of the TV.

Sunday I had the privilege to shoot the delivery of a beautiful baby girl. Baby "B" was very cooperative, as she entered the world on a Sunday (Dave was home and could be with the boys), and in the middle of the day no less. I cannot even tell you how amazing it was to be able to document such an amazing part of someone's life. I was able to use my new lens for part of the shoot, and I love it. I hope I am lucky enough to be able to do that again. Really, words can't describe how special it was for me... 

What a rush the morning was! By the time I got home and the photos uploaded, it was time for the next thing, a birthday party/bbq at a friends house. The party lasted until 8pm, and let me tell you, we partied! The kids had TONS of fun, as did the adults. It is always nice to be able to visit while the kids are occupied. I only wish we didn't have school to contend with the next day. I don't have any picture of that, however, because I was too exhausted to think about bringing the camera! Ha!

I guess I won't have to worry about that much longer, as school is over in a mere 2 days now. Max's last day of kindergarten is on Wednesday. I just can't believe it. He's looking forward to summer, and I think he's also looking forward to some down time. He's been acting a bit mopey and clingy... a sure indication he needs a nap (or maybe just Mom????).

Well, I'd better crack the whip on my own work day. I've only got one this week, and it is slowly ticking a way. Cheers to all of you!

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